It’s been a while! Overall, I’m refilling my cup at the moment, trying to play more and work less whenever possible. This is a bit of a ramble!
What I’m Playing
I’m prioritizing playing a lot more games more, and trying to not only GM. I played in a Pathfinder 2E one shot that was wild. I recently ran Nate Treme’s Barrow of the Elf King using Mausritter. I successfully ran Goblin Punch’s horrifying False Hydra in my scifi-fantasy game, locating it under Fort Vee Cee from Desert Moon of Karth. It was super fun and highly recommend it.
My Blades in the Dark game continues and we have good conversations about where we want our characters to go. So much of playing that particular campaign has been about finding imperfect belonging. It’s a great game.
I just ran through Tin Helm by Grey Gnome Publishing, and that game is delightful. I enjoy a form factor card and dice adventure game and the art in this one is beautiful.
Playing games with other folks is a real gift.
What I have made lately
My adventure Catastrophe at Camp Conifer is out with Armanda Haller’s Grandmothership ashcan.
A Questionable Inheritance is out with the Guild #0 adventure book by Disaster Tourism.
My Mothership module Resonant is in final copyediting, going into layout and Tony Tran has made some beautiful art. I look forward to sharing more soon!
I did a bunch of watercolor painting while I was on vacation and I’m working on getting back into a regular practice.

What I’m watching/reading
I’m watching Mobile Suit Gundam: Witch of Mercury and Succession, which are both shows about broken family dynamics. I’ve read every Murderbot Diaries book now and the first three Goblin Emperor books by Katherine Addison. I also watched a bunch of Taskmaster which I think is chockful of lateral thinking and problem solving a la OSR “problems” or whatever. I also have been acquiring old Planescape books to prep for a campaign I’m thinking of running once my spacefaring game is done.
In closing
Finland sent a cinnamon roll to Eurovision this year and everyone needs to know.
I haven't either, I was in Finland and my day job is busy. That concept sounds great Judd! For me, I've been playing more than running lately. I find GMing and writing use the same place in my brain and I feel like writing right now.
God I really need to play more games! I’m setting up a home group for the first time in....years. I’m excited to finally get back to playing more.