I’ve been doing a lot of writing on my next adventure in what I jokingly call the Tannic Extended Universe. In all seriousness, I’ll be continuing to write “gay romantic fantasy” in the the OSR/NSR mold. It’s very fun to do.
This email will be short and include some maps I drew recently and a few blog posts I wrote about how I approach writing.
Have a great fall.
What is Happening?
I’ve been playing old roleplaying games like the Persona series and busy otherwise with my day to day life. I’m hoping to have my next adventure ready for playtesting in October. Look for news on the publication of my Mothership adventure soon.
Recent Maps I Drew

Recent Blog Posts
Prepping People-Centered Situations in tabletop roleplaying games
I am fascinated by social dynamics and strategy. When I think about creating situations in roleplaying games, my focus is very people-first. From my point of view, interactivity and grounding depend on having a living world of people with their own desires and agendas…Read More
Characters as Landmarks with Secrets
Applying Landmark, Hidden, Secret Methodology to People-Centered Situations and Key Location Writing
In Anne’s Landmark, Hidden, Secret, referees have a hierarchy of information: landmarks of a location as well as hidden and secret information that can be discovered through thoughtful and at times risky play…Read More
Cool News from Folks
The Monstrous crowdfunding campaign by Cloud Curio has 3 day left and is very close to goal: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/cloudcurio/monstrous-3
The Cairn Adventure bundle is worth checking out if you haven’t seen it
Grandmothership is out! Also Armanda has another project written somewhat recently The Luxury of Loneliness
Yochai Gal’s Beyond the Pale is getting ready to kickstart and it’s very good